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  • Writer's pictureGEMN

"Swimming" Mac Miller Album Review

I'm reviewing Mac Miller's best album "Swimming." Why? Why not. Plus this is a great album. Bolded means my favorite.

  1. "Come Back to Earth" 8/10

  2. "Hurt Feelings" 7/10

  3. "What's the Use" 7/10

  4. "Perfecto" 8.5/10 Outro is so beautiful.

  5. "Self Care" 10/10

  6. "Wings" 8.5/10

  7. "Ladders" 7.5/10

  8. "Small Worlds" 7.5/10

  9. "Conservations pt 1" 7/10

  10. "Dunno" 9/10

  11. "Jet Fuel" 8.7/10

  12. "2009" 9.5/10 Beautiful intro

  13. "So it Goes" Another Beautiful Outro 8/10

Overall Rating: 9.3/10

This album has some vibes, so this might be why I enjoy it. From disco/danceable tracks like "What's the Use and "Ladders" to late-night drive tracks like "Self Care" and "Wings." The fuzzy synths and natural instrumentation are huge factors in this album. They feel like they're speaking with emotion. The album is diverse in that the tracks can be fun rap songs or soft singing songs with great lyricism. As for themes, it dives into growth, as well as self-love and reflection. "Wings" is a unique song and the production is heavenly, It talks about how he's moved from his darkest times. "2009" takes a step on those ideas. No matter how hard life was, he was able to overcome those challenges, and finally be at peace with himself. This album is a true classic and an amazing example of how an album should be made. Mac Miller has helped so many people through their own or even similar issues. He truly is one of a kind. Overall, there's not much for me to say, except how wonderful and fun this album is to listen to.

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